Superior products deliver high quality with exceptional benefits to the consumer. Today’s savvy consumer expects more effective and consistent products – ones they can depend on time after time. To increase consumer preference for your Topical, Nutraceutical, Food or Beverage product. Aloecorp offers what no other aloe vera supplier can – Standardization! The ACTIValoe®guarantee provides customer assurance that their aloe ingredient retains the beneficial properties of the plant.
Aloecorp’s ACTIValoe® not only exceeds the standards established by the International Aloe Science Council’s (IASC) Certification Program for content and purity, but more importantly, Aloecorp is the only supplier to quantify and guarantee 10% polysaccharide (dry weight) retention through our unique patented process. Additionally, Aloecorp has enhanced the efficacy of aloe vera by increasing the polysaccharide content in the molecular range of 50,000 to 200,000 Daltons. Only Aloecorp, through this patented manufacturing process, can guarantee the retention of all the healthy benefits of Aloe vera. Aloecorp simply provides the most extensively tested Aloe vera available.